Pancake Recipe

Pancake Recipe

FINALLY perfected my giant pancake recipe! They are gluten free, dairy free + ALMOST vegan if you substitute the egg white with flaxseed).

Can’t wait until my picky brother tries this one after lockdown! I KNOW he’ll enjoy them!

All you need is:


  • A small pan;
  • Spray oil (I use coconut oil);
  • Spatula (of course);

The ingredients you will need are:

  • 0.5 cup of oats;
  • 1tbsp almond flour;
  • 1tbsp coconut sugar;
  • 1 scoop protein powder;
  • 1 egg white (approx 3tbsp);
  • pinch of baking soda;
  • pinch of cinnamon;
  • splash of almond milk!

Blend up all of your ingredient and pour it onto your pan! I like to make 1 huge pancake and pour maple syrup and fresh berries over the top! You can make small pancakes and top with whatever you’d like!

Hope you enjoy it too!

Jess x


[STOP] Feeling Guilty

[STOP] Feeling Guilty

Sometimes things may get in the way of progress, as life likes to throw us curve balls. But it is important to recognize those things.

I know some days we don’t feel motivated or it’s just easier to take another route. Just remember why you started it and who you’re doing it for… You!

I know when I’m trying to stay on track with my nutrition and someone offers me a cookie (or cheesecake!) I can almost never refuse it. I used to feel super guilty and I feel like I’ve put on an extra 10lbs of fat from one too many sweets. Which then led to me feeling down. Then I would join a spin class to burn off that cheesecake or those cookies.

From what I’m learning during my nutrition course, is that the only thing unhealthy right here, are my thoughts. If someone else told me they went to a spin class to burn off a couple cookies they had at lunch, I would think they were insane!

I’ve been tracking my calories, which I will go into on a separate post, for about 6 months now and have been finding that I can fit cheesecake into my calories for the day along with nutritious food for my main meals, and not feel guilty at all! Sometimes your body actually needs these high carbs and high fats once in a while to balance your hormones.

Here are a couple of tips to help you avoid the guilt/binge eating/obsessing:

  • Eat more wholesome foods – so you don’t feel so hungry that you need to eat the whole jar of cookies
  • Add more veggies to your plate – fill up on your micronutrients
  • Use your hands as a guide to portion control – eat a cupped handful of cookies rather than the whole box
  • Drink 0.25 – 0.5L of water with your meals
  • Chew your food slowly – this also helps with your digestion
  • Substitute – Diet coke instead of coke; soda water instead of diet coke
  • Go for a walk – especially while in lockdown so you’re not just sat at home eating
  • Be mindful – are you just bored/stressed/lonely? Can you think of something better to eat instead?

I encourage you to pick one tip from the list above to work on and get consistent at doing.

If you can’t struggle with one tip, think of how you can make it easier or pick a different one to start working on. Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up and pay for a spin class because you ate too much cheesecake.

Jess x

Don’t buy that eBook Workout Guide!

Don’t buy that eBook Workout Guide!

Have you ever thought about buying an eBook because you’re struggling to think of workouts or you think you’ll end up looking like the girl who wrote it? I encourage you to think about this long and hard again. Here’s why…

Everyone is different. We all have different body types, genetic makeups, live in different environments, do different things that keep us busy all day or some of you may be pretty sedentary.

I’m not writing this post to criticize anyone. eBook workouts can be great for some people and are also a great way for people to make money! But they aren’t tailored to each persons individual differences.

So instead of investing your money into that eBook workout guide, I suggest you invest your money into a coach who can write you an individualized plan based on YOUR needs or someone who can train you in person.

The latter is also probably the safest option as the qualified trainer will ensure your safety and maximize your potential to reach your goals by ensuring good form and tapering to your health.

Sign up today to train with me as we focus on your goals!

Jess x

About Me

About Me

Over six years ago, I started my fitness journey. I was going through many ups and downs in my personal life and found the only relief during these times, was working out. It was an escape from the world.
I’ve struggled to maintain a healthy physique and mindset, having tried numerous exercise regimes and diets
over the years. Through my studies with the International Sports Science Association, where I received my personal training certification, I have picked up many tips and tricks to actually BE healthy and feel confident. I truly found what worked best for me. Though I know one size doesn’t fit all, I now have more knowledge and understanding of the science of the body and how to properly coach to individual differences.
I am passionate about health, about helping others feel good on the inside and out, feeling confident and looking better too! I know that everyone has different goals and I am here to help you reach them! I am in the process of certifying as a nutrition coach to further enhance our health and wellness.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me an email [email protected]!
Jess x