Have you ever thought about buying an eBook because you’re struggling to think of workouts or you think you’ll end up looking like the girl who wrote it? I encourage you to think about this long and hard again. Here’s why…

Everyone is different. We all have different body types, genetic makeups, live in different environments, do different things that keep us busy all day or some of you may be pretty sedentary.

I’m not writing this post to criticize anyone. eBook workouts can be great for some people and are also a great way for people to make money! But they aren’t tailored to each persons individual differences.

So instead of investing your money into that eBook workout guide, I suggest you invest your money into a coach who can write you an individualized plan based on YOUR needs or someone who can train you in person.

The latter is also probably the safest option as the qualified trainer will ensure your safety and maximize your potential to reach your goals by ensuring good form and tapering to your health.

Sign up today to train with me as we focus on your goals!

Jess x