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[STOP] Feeling Guilty
[STOP] Feeling Guilty

Sometimes things may get in the way of progress, as life likes to throw us curve balls. But it is important to recognize those things. I know some days we don't feel motivated or it's just easier to take another route. Just remember why you started...

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Don’t buy that eBook Workout Guide!
Don’t buy that eBook Workout Guide!

Have you ever thought about buying an eBook because you’re struggling to think of workouts or you think you’ll end up looking like the girl who wrote it? I encourage you to think about this long and hard again. Here’s why... Everyone is different....

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About Me
About Me

Over six years ago, I started my fitness journey. I was going through many ups and downs in my personal life and found the only relief during these times, was working out. It was an escape from the world. I’ve struggled to maintain a healthy...

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